Sunday, December 11, 2005


It's been a few week's since my last post so let see what has been going on.

Hannah spent a full day in hospital for a CAT scan last week thank goodness all is well after her fall, her fracture has healed and the slight blood in her brain has disappeared, what a great relief to both Janicel and myself.

Jamie is doing well at Kindergarten,infact he is now speaking Cantonese, well he knows his numbers and how to tell Janicel and myself to sit down.Not that I know what he is on about which is very bad after 10 years in Hong Kong.

The big news is the W.T.O which is due to start on Monday.
Hopefully the Hong Kong government have gone into overkill on what they expect.They have enclosed all walk way's over roads to stop hard core protestors throwing themselves off onto on coming traffic.
We live less than 3 minutes from the conference area and are expecting many disruptions over the next week.
Some shops and hotels have already boarded up there windows.Work wise we are on a major route to the conference area so we will have to see what happens
Tonight seems busy with many strange faces in the bar for this time of year,could they all be hard core protestors? Will keep you posted on this .

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